The One Lap of America has been done for almost 2 weeks now and Jim and I had a great time. We are still accepting donations through the October "American Legends at Long's Park" show (Please note the link is to last years flyer).
Donations can be given to Rick Stauffer or Jim Roberts, or be sent directly to PBCC, Attn: One Lap, 344 N Reading Road, Ephrata, PA 17522. Please use the memo 'One Lap' on all checks and include a name for the sticker. We want to honor all of those that had breast cancer or other cancers on a sticker on our cars.
As I said previously, Jim and I had an engine problem on the second day of the race. Summit Point, WV is where we were when that happened, on Jim's morning time trial. With the help of some wonderful people, we were able to get back to Mount Joy and get Jim's second Corvette, a 1992 coupe with a wild 'Absolute Purpline' paint job. This car has different colors appearing as you walk around it, going from a gold to brown then blue, aqua, green and purple. Jim uses this car for shows, and has not raced it for a number of years, but still had the fire extinguisher installed, so it was ready for racing. With thoughts of saving a clutch and making it through the rest of the race, it took a day or two before Jim's competitive spirit kicked in and he was racing again. We only missed one race at Gainesville, FL - a drag race which we did not want to subject our car to.
Travels included 1,372 miles in Jim's 2000 C5, 127 mile back to Mount Joy with the Breneman's, 4,017 miles in Jim's 1992 C4 and my van totals of 53 miles (Ephrata to Mt Joy to Ephrata). My Grand Total was 5,569 miles driven in 11 days. Started on April 28th and back home on May 8th.
Pictures of our race adventure are online in my Picasa album. I still need to sort and post videos of our car, and Scott Breneman's. Lancaster County Corvette Club (LCCC) had 2 entrants this year, as both Scott and Jim used their cars. It was great to be rooting for both of them, and when we stopped earning points, root all out for Scott. Scott finished 13th overall (61 cars finished) and 7th in class (18 cars in SSGT1 Big Bore class). That is a new best finish for Scott, and we all were happy to see him finish there.
As a transit driver, I had the experience of using '5 hour energy shots' and have to say, without them we would have needed to stop earlier every day, and miss more racing. I did get a chance to run laps at Barber Motorsports Park in Birmingham, AL. Parade laps only, but at speeds up to 65 mph or so, and having Jim coach me around the track - Fantastic! I can only hope everything falls into place for a repeat next year.
Remember - donations to PA Breast Cancer Coalition are still needed. We will be showing my car, and when Jim gets his 2000 Corvette running again, I am sure he will also show his car. Get your donation in and give us a name for the sticker, so we can honor those brave women.
Thank You all - Rick Stauffer
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